Oct 6, 2019

How Product Packaging Can Decrease Product Returns

Product returns have become a big problem for all e-commerce businesses. Sellers look for solutions and try to do everything that the number of returns would be smaller. There are a lot of tips on how to minimize product returns. However, every business owner has to pay attention to product packaging because it can have a significant impact on the number of customer returns.

Choose practical packaging

You may want to think of a creative packaging design that stands out from others, but this can end to a big fail. When you are choosing the packaging, always consider how safe the product will be inside. You are selling your products online, so it will have to travel from your warehouse to the buyer. Sometimes it may even have to travel thousands of miles! 

After you ship the item, you can no longer take care of it, but you are still responsible for it. Make sure that you package fragile products correctly and always put a sticker, which will inform others that they have to be careful with this parcel. Use materials that are designed to package bulky or fragile items. People who work in package delivery companies usually don’t know what is inside the box.

Write information on the package

Before shipping the product, always put the main information on the box. Write who is receiver and give all the necessary details of shipping address. Delivery companies will not contact you if any important detail is missing or will do it after the time when the parcel should have been delivered. Also, do not forget to write the information about the sender. If the parcel will not be delivered successfully, shipping companies should know where to return the package. 

Choose carrier responsibly

Even your best product packaging can’t guarantee safe delivery, because it depends a lot on carrier. There are package delivery companies who don’t care about your business. They do not deliver parcels on time, break packages, and even lose them. Such experience can affect your customers. If they get a broken package, they will return the item to you. So, before you start your e-commerce business, choose the courier that will help you to make your customer satisfied. If you aren’t sure how the delivery company works, try to ask your clients if the parcels arrived safe and on time. 

Always choose companies that provide real-time information about the parcel. It is very convenient when you and your customer can track where the package is and when it will be delivered. 

You will be surprised at how appropriate packaging can minimize product returns. Successful delivery is one of the main parts of the e-commerce business, so it is crucial to take good care of it.


Returns, product returns, product packaging, customer returns